Since at least the 20s of the 20th century, the US film industry has not only been the largest in the world in terms of the number of films released and box office receipts, but also has a decisive influence on the content and technologies of world cinema, on the economic and cultural aspects of the film process.
The United States of America sets trends in many areas of modern life, whether it be science, music or cinema. The history of American cinema is rich in not only events and names, but also in turns in the development of artistic thought, and the history of the States themselves allowed this industry to evolve and involve artists from all over the world. It is already difficult to imagine the modern sphere of entertainment without American films, and world cinema without the US film industry.
Now you are going to do the Cinema Quiz
The rules are:
- The're 2 rounds here
- For each round youve got a special worksheet
- Discuss each question with your classmates
- Write down your answers according to the number of the question